Rachael Craw Collection
Rachael Craw is a bestselling and award-winning writer. Her previous work includes the Spark trilogy, published by Walker Books Australia (2014-2016) and The Rift, published by WBA (2018) and released in the USA/Canada by Candlewick Press (2019). Spark won a Storylines Notable Book award, was shortlisted in the New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults (NZCYA, 2015), shortlisted for Australia's Silver Inky Awards (2014) and optioned by Miss Conception Films (2019-2022). Book 2 of the trilogy, Stray, won the Children's Choice category of NZCYA (2017). The Rift won a Storylines Notable Book award (2019) and was shortlisted in the judge's awards for NZCYA (2019). Rachael has been a guest speaker and panellist at readers and writers' festivals throughout New Zealand and Australia, as well as at Oz Comic Con and Supanova conventions. She is a high school English and Drama teacher living in Christchurch, New Zealand, with her husband and three daughters.